E15-301 20 AMES STREET
(617) 301-0386
E15-301 20 AMES STREET
(617) 301-0386
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* Table of Contents *
* About *

I completed my two year masters research in Prof. John Maeda's Physical Language Workshop at the MIT Media Lab in June 2008. My main interest is to produce work combining graphic design and technology. I enjoy designing and programming. I try to do both at the same time. Before coming to the lab, I worked as a graphic designer in New York, and received my MFA in graphic design from Yale University. Through my undergraduate education, I received an Honours Bachelor of Science from the University of Toronto in astrophysics. I ran a design studio with my group mate from the PLW Kyle Buza, called BuzaMoto from 2008 to 2013. Currently, I am a Designer + Programmer at W+K Garage.
* Education *
- SM master of science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Laboratory. Cambridge, MA, June 2008.
- MFA in graphic design, Yale University School of Art. New Haven, CT, June 2004.
- HonBSc in astronomy and physics, University of Toronto. Toronto, ON, June 2002.
* Projects *
E15 (Link)
2007 - 2008
2007 - 2008

E15:FB is a visualization application which shows a graphical representation of social interactions with individual Facebook users. The application also provides alternative methods to navigate Facebook content beyond what is provided through the Facebook website, and creates new opportunities to interact with related content outside of Facebook.

GPC (Paper)
GPC (Graphical Pen-based CAPTCHA) is a CAPTCHA system that uses drawing capabilities of a human. Line segmentation is implemented with JavaScript, while the stroke and raster recognizers are written in Ruby.
MadLicense (Video)
MadLicense is a Mad Libs-style license creator. Users are given a license template based on popular open source licenses with specific words that are modifiable. In a way, it makes license creation easy, but also challenging since only certain words are modifiable. With this restriction, it forces users to creatively place words to come up with an applicable license for themselves.
MITPTyper (Link)

Modster (Link)

MudSketch (Link)
MudSketch is a simple client side drawing program written in JavaScript. Drawings can be saved and loaded, and exported to PNG and PDF.
OpenCode is a web-based graphics programming environment that leverages the user community to foster creative development. The environment allows users to write, share and compile code all within a web browser; eliminating the need to download any software.

RunLog (Link)

RunLogger (Link)
RunLogger is a Facebook version of RunLog.
WYSIWiki is a WYSIWYG wiki system that eliminates the need to write confusing wiki syntax.
* Experience *
Research Assistant
2006 - 2008
2006 - 2008
Teaching Assistant
2004, 2006
2004, 2006
MAS 110: Fundamentals of Computational Media Design
Prof. John Maeda (MIT, Fall 2006)
GD 742b: Introduction to Computational Form
Lect. Christopher Edwards (Yale, Spring 2004)
Prof. John Maeda (MIT, Fall 2006)
GD 742b: Introduction to Computational Form
Lect. Christopher Edwards (Yale, Spring 2004)
MudCorp (Link)
2004 - 2006
2004 - 2006
My studio, specializing in projects involving design and technology. You can view projects on the corporate site.
2x4, Inc.(Link)
2004 - 2005
2004 - 2005
Graphic design, story boarding, web development and programming.
Illustrator (Link)
1999 - 2006
1999 - 2006
Illustrations for newspapers and magazines including The New York Times, National Post, Shift Magazine, Saturday Night Magazine and The Walrus.
* Awards / Publications / Talks *
- 2008 Guest Critic, Yale University School of Art, Graphic Design critique.
- Massaging Media 2, Graphic Design Education in the Age of Dynamic Media, April 4 - 6, 2008 Boston, MA
- 2008 Visualization of Social Interactions in Facebook, International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, March 30 - April 2, 2008 Seattle, WA.
- 2007 Steven R. Holtzman Fellowship for Digital Expression, MIT Media Lab
- 2007 Ronda Magazine #2, Chile
- 2006 Guest Lecture, Rhode Island School of Design, Undergraduates in Graphic Design.
- 2004 Alice Kimball English Traveling Fellowships Nomination, Yale School of Art
- 2004 Multipurpose, Yale School of Art
- 2003 m-real Magazine - m-real, Finland
- 2003 übersee 3 - Die Gestaltan Verlag, Germany
- 2002 Page Magazine 03.02 - Germany
- 2002 "Make - The Next Generation of Canadian Creators" - CBC radio 3 vol. 1 issue 3
- 2001 étapes Magazine Issue 79 - France
- 1999 The Globe and Mail - Canada
- 1999 Coupe Magazine Issue 2 - Canada
- 1999 Flux Magazine Issue 7 - Canada
* Miscellaneous *
I can list a bunch of programming languages I program (and programmed) in, but that's just dumb. Instead, I'm going to list what I like and prefer. I love Ruby, hate Python...but lately I write more Python. I'm sticking with Rails, because Erlyweb and Erlang is just too confusing and writing PHP makes my fingers hurt. I enjoy Objective-C and Cocoa, because you get so much for free and is a nice departure from all this web nonsense. Beyond programming, I think of myself as a decent designer. I would list all the applications I can use, but seriously, telling anyone you know how to use Adobe software is like saying you can ride a bicycle with training wheels, right? I'll at least say I prefer LaTeX over InDesign although InDesign does have OTF support that is mighty tasty. Finally, I drink lots of beer, but I run a lot to burn off that belly.